On Writing & Publishing by Robin D. Owens

Personal notes on writing techniques, writing a novel, my writing career and threading your way through publishing a book.

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Location: Denver, United States

RITA Award Winning Author -- that's like the Oscar, folks! Futuristic/Fantasy Romance and Fantasy with Romantic Subplots.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Celta Thursday

It occurs to me that I should post here more than once a week on Celta Thursday, like I do on Facebook..., but until I get a little breathing space, this will have to do. :)

I backed up one line...and you won't expect this from Barton Clover!

"Nice build," said Glyssa's mother. "But does he read?"

Without looking at her, the man quoted:

Escape me?
While I am I, and you are you,
So long as the world contains us both,
Me the loving and you the loth
While the one eludes, must the other pursue.

"Well, well," said Glyssa's father. "Ancient Earthan poet Robert Browning. Interesting."

The newcomer opened his arms and Enata ran into them. They closed around her and he swung her from her feet and whirled her. Glyssa was swept away with the romance of it.

Then he set Enata on her feet. "Oh," she said, blinking and clinging to him. Enata! Clinging! Her mouth a little open.

"Oh, yeah!" he said and kissed her. Not a little, friendly smooch. Glyssa and Jace hadn't shared that kind of a kiss for...well, maybe within the first half-septhour from their meeting. The recollection of seeing, meeting, kissing Jace for the first time swamped her.

"Ha!" Another man strolled into the room and romance left Glyssa's heart as knowledge crashed into her mind. She saw the realization on her parents' face, also.
"Who?" asked Jace, his arm around her waist.
"That is Walker Clover." Glyssa kept her voice low. "The first noble Clover. He rose to GrandLord some years ago. Everyone thinks he'll be Captain of All the Councils someday."

"I've heard of him," Jace said.

Glyssa nodded.

"His brother?" Jace asked, nodding at the man still locking mouths with Enata.

Glyssa shrugged. "The Clovers are a very prolific Family. I think Walker has several brothers."

"Barton Clover," Glyssa's mother breathed, her face shining, her hands clasped prayerfully against her breasts. "With a Clover there is the prospect of many children."

Glyssa's father looked sour. "And they may be conceived right here before us. The guy has his hands on my daughter's derrier."

Barton lifted his head, scanned the room, spotted the long couch. Arm around Enata's waist, he headed in that direction.

T'Willow cut him off with raised brows and a smile. "Your brother is here. And Enata may wish to introduce you to her Family."

Barton jerked to a stop, a comical look of surprise crossed his face as he blinked and apparently noticed the other people in the room. He looked down at Glyssa's sister. "Enata?"

She flushed red, squirmed a little. "Enata Licorice, FirstLevel Librarian."

"Barton Clover, your future husband," he said.

"Head of Security for the Clover Family," Glyssa's father said. "Greetyou, Barton Clover." T'Licorice bowed.

Barton stiffened. Returned the bow. "Greetyou, T'Licorice." A deeper bow to Glyssa's mother, though he still held Enata's hand. "Greetyou D'Licorice."

"Hey brother." Walker buffetted Barton on his shoulder, leaned down and kissed Enata's cheek. "Welcome to the Clover Family, Enata Licorice. Call me Walker." He glanced around. "All of you, call me Walker, it's easier."

"So quickly," plainted Glyssa's mother.

Barton ducked his head, then rubbed his chest, staring at Enata. "You're here. You're just here, already in my heart. It only needed seeing you."

"I think the potion had something to do with it," Jace muttered.

Glyssa elbowed him, then smiled sweetly at her HeartMate. "If you'd care to try those potions, I'm game."

"No thanks."

T'Licorice offered his hand. "Welcome to the Licorice Family, Barton Clover. Enata is our heir. She will be D'Licorice one day."

"You can be the Licorice Head of Security," D'Licorice said.

Barton's gaze swept the room. "And there are how many of you?"

"Four," T'Licorice said.

Jace's stance eased a little as he hadn't been named a Licorice.

"Four," Barton said flatly. "There are hundreds of Clovers."

"We need Barton with us at the Clover Compound for now," Walker insisted. The GrandLord inclined his head to Enata. "His lady should stay with us, too."

"Must," Barton said. "Must stay with us."

"Enata is my heir," D'Licorice repeated.

Barton's gaze arrowed toward Glyssa. "You have another child."

"You have many other guards," D'Licorice said.

"I like my job," Barton said.

"And I will not be remaining in Druida," Glyssa said, then sensed no one believed her.

"We can work all this out later," Walker said. "I'm sure some of our Family would like to apprentice themselves to you – and when Barton and Enata have children, you might choose one to follow you rather than Enata." Walker spread his hands. "FirstLevel Librarian Glyssa Licorice may decide to become D'Licorice, and you might approve. The options are many."

And, no, actually, I have no idea how this will work out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks!!! Love the blogs

7:03 PM  
Blogger lyndah said...

Hi Robin,
Just wanted to know if you were okay, with all the flooding in Colorado. It seems like a lot of rain came your way. I know what it's like to be flooded out and it is not fun.
Also I just got Heart Journey and I could not put it down. It really grabbed my interest right from the beginning on through to the end. Great characters, world change of pace from the city, interaction with the fams. I loved it!!

8:12 AM  
Blogger FantasyAuthor RobinDOwens said...

Lyndah, Getting around is a problem but I am okay and my house (and cats) are fine! Thanks for the lovely words about Heart Journey!

7:08 AM  

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